Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Preschool Graduation

Sophia had her preschool graduation ceremony yesterday. She was so cute! The theme was hawaiian and she got to take her picture with her teacher, Ms. Jennifer. She will be attending the same one again next year as well!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Easter Bunny

Marcus dressed up as the Easter bunny and was letting Sophia sit on his lap. After she visited him she got a candy filled egg!

Little Mommy

Sophia loves my sun glasses, purses, and shoes. Here she is with my purse, sun glasses and her v8! (Yes! She loves v8)

Sophia's Easter Party

Sophia had her Easter party for preschool on Wednesday. She had a lot of fun visiting the Easter bunny, finding eggs in the egg hunt and getting a big Easter basket.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Face paint designs

I've been practicing my face painting skills and here are a couple of things that I painted on my arms today.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Face painting

I have been thinking about starting a face painting business. I really need to practice but the kids are not willing to let me do whole faces on them. I did a bunny rabbit on myself yesterday and the kids thought it was so funny. They made me jump around the livingroom with a basket like the Easter Bunny! Geno was freaked out when he got home and saw me! I still need lots of practice but it's a start!

St. Patrick's Day

The kids had so much fun on St. Patricks Day. I made them green eggs and ham with green milk for breakfast. After getting dressed I painted shamrocks and a pot of gold on their arms and then they were off to school. Marcus had a Leprauchaun come to his classroom while they were gone and leave gold dust, foot prints and a mess! :)